We have truly found our dream house. This is a piece of paradise where you can disconnect from reality, reconnect with nature, and step back in time. It’s the perfect retreat, especially for those with dogs, as it’s incredibly pet-friendly. Upon our arrival, Maja and Primos welcomed us warmly with a local schnapps made from walnuts harvested from the 50 walnut trees on their property. They gave us a tour of the house, and we were instantly captivated—it was exactly what we had envisioned for our escape from December 24th to 29th. It was the perfect place to unplug and recharge. The stove is fantastic, keeping the house cozy and warm for 2-3 days on a single load, though there’s regular heating available as well. We were blessed with five sunny, cloudless days, and spent hours in the garden each day. Sitting in the hanging chair, watching our dogs run freely, and soaking in the fresh 10-15°C weather was absolute bliss. The landscape, sunrise, and sunset are all breathtaking—truly picture-perfect. The house is fully equipped with everything you might need. The kitchen has all the essentials, and there’s even a vinyl player. We brought some records with us, listening to Carmina Burana for a dramatic flair before switching to Julio Iglesias (in German!). Next year, we plan to bring some Christmas vinyls to add to the magic. We spent three peaceful days working on a 1,000-piece Harry Potter puzzle and cooked all our meals (with my husband’s mom leading the charge in the kitchen). From breakfast to dinner, we enjoyed homemade meals without ever wanting to leave the house. We ventured out only once to visit the nearby mountains, just a 30-minute drive away, where we spent a few hours admiring the scenery. Other than that, we stayed at the house, fully immersed in its tranquility. Each season offers a new face to this beautiful place, and we’ve already decided to return throughout the year to experience it in every weather and mood. Though we’ve just returned home, both we and our dogs are already missing it. But knowing we’ll be back makes it easier to say goodbye. Summers here must be incredible, with the lovely pool, grill area, vibrant flowers, and lush trees. The family even has their own veggie garden, and we can’t wait to try their homegrown organic vegetables during our next visit. The upstairs yoga and meditation area was another highlight for me. I spent several moments meditating there, and it was a deeply replenishing and positive experience. But the absolute best part? The night sky. With no artificial lights around, you can see a million stars. From the upstairs terrace, the stargazing is nothing short of magical, no matter the season. Our five days of clear skies gave us perfect sunrises, sunsets, and star-filled nights. We’re excited to return and experience the many other moods and seasons this house has to offer. This isn’t just a house—it’s become our favorite holiday retreat. Whether you come with family, friends, your dogs, or even alone, this is a sanctuary where you can truly disconnect, unwind, and leave the world behind. We can’t wait to come back.
Alles perfekt, super freundliche Hausbesitzer, mega sauber und perfekte Ausstattung. Positive: Es war alles da was man braucht.
Alles perfekt!
Positive: Das Haus ist super im Grünen gelegen. Die Steiner Alpen, Bled und Ljubljana sind alle in 30-45 Minuten maximum zu erreichen. Tolle Unterkunft mit außergewöhnlich freundlichen und zuvorkommenden GastgeberInnen. Wir kommen gerne wieder! :-)
Fantastische locatie op een unieke plek. Positive: Fantastisch uitzicht, mooie plek op een stille locatie in een mooi land. Zeer vriendelijke eigenaren die hun huis met liefde beheren. Zwembad in de tuin is heerlijk. En een laadpaal bij het huis maakt dit ook ideaal voor EV rijders.
Lovely place. Just visit it. And you will find out.
Positive: Great place, very nice swimming pool and garden, very nice hosts. We had a wonderful time .
Heerlijk verblijf op een prachtig locatie. Positive: Prachtige ligging met geweldig uitzicht vanuit de tuin. Huisje van alle gemakken voorzien. Gebruik van eigen moestuin. Zeer vriendelijke en behulpzame hosts. Negative: Nvt
Absolutely lovely place, with amazing view, great garden, outside seating and pool. There has been nothing we would miss. One of the best places where we have been spending holidays ever.
House clean and tidy. Beautiful views. Very nice hosts. Absolutely not defects.
Warm Hospitality Meets Stunning Views Positive: Our stay was greatly enriched by the phenomenal hospitality provided by our hosts. They were not only welcoming but also extremely helpful throughout our time there, always ready to lend a hand or answer any inquiries. Their commitment to ensuring a comfortable stay for their guests was quite evident. The accommodation itself surpassed our expectations in terms of amenities. It was well-equipped, with a fully stocked kitchen that facilitated our m
We had a very pleasant holiday. The house is very good with a nice pool and a splendid view. The owners are really nice people so I can only recommend this place.
The quietness of the place and the beautiful views, from the hammock, the morning tea corner, the pool area, and more. Perfect place to reload your internal battery! The house is very practical, all necessities you would need to cook or BBQ, yes even scissors and wine opener ;) (and lets not forget the dishwasher and washing machine). And for the teens, yes good internet :-) Had a great stay with 3 teens and my husband, I recommend!
We feel sLOVEnia Positive: Pool, View, big house
Pr Matažic si res napolniš baterije. Hiša stoji v čisti naravi kjer je res mir. Razgled je res lep, ki seže v dolino. Tisti ki oklevate ali iti na dopust vam polagam na besedo ne bo vam žal:)
Positive: Необходимое в наличии Всё Дом очень ухоженный и чистый Дом, хозяева, природа, бассейн
Must do! Positive: We loved the house, especially the terrace with an amazing view and are already missing it! Our baby and dog had also really nice time there. The owners are taking very good care of the whole property and are very kind and helpful people. We wish them only the best!
Toller Urlaub im schönen Slowenien, v.a. zum Wandern aber auch um Ljubljana zu erkunden. Positive: Sehr freundliche Gastgeber. Das Haus ist sehr schön und ruhig gelegen, man kann sich großartig erholen. Wunderbare Aussicht von der Terrasse. Wunderbare Lage zum Wandern und für einen Abstecher nach Ljubljana. Alles super!!! Negative: Nichts
Zelo smo bili zadovoljni.
Lokacija hiše je čarobna, ponuja odmik v naravi in sprehajalne, kolesarske in pohodne poti v vsakem letnem času. Gostitelji zelo, zelo prijazni in prijetni, skrbijo za čistočo na visokem nivoju. Hiša ima pridih starih časov, ki te popeljejo v čas, ko je bilo življenje brez skrbno. Vse dobro gostiteljem še naprej! Stella Kljajić
Izvrstno za odklop v naravi, dalec (in hkrati blizu) od civilizacijskega vrveza. Prijazen sprejem lastnice, poskrbljeno za vse, tudi nasega kuzka. Terasa s cudovitimi razgledi kot nalasc za prijeten vecer ob kozarcku zlahtne kapljice.
Navdušeni se vračamo v prečudovito hišo in k nadvse prijaznim gostiteljem. Tudi kratek oddih, oddet v jesenske barve, nas je napolnil z mirom, energijo in nas še bolj povezal. Nekaj magičnega je pri vas :)Iz srca hvala, pridemo spet!
Carobno za duso!!! Hvala se pridemo. ????????
Z eno besedo čudovito,stara,vendar do potankosti obnovljena hiša,pika na i pa je bazen. Lastnika pa zelo prijazna in ustrežljiva.Maja in Primož,želimo vama veliko dobrih in prijaznih strank.
Hiška je zelo lepo urejena in čista. V njej je vsa potrebna oprema za usobno bivanje. Lastniki so zelo prijazni. Lahko smo si nabrati zelenjavo z vrta, ki je ob hiški. Neprecenljivo.
Da smo se odločili za ta dopust nam ni žal.
Raj na zemlji.
We loved our stay in this holiday house with a fantastic swimming pool. Very good beds. It is so quiet, you only hear nature. We enjoyed eating outside, listening to nature. We had a very warm welcome by the owners. If we would come back to Slovenia, we definetly will choose this holiday house again. You can full relax here, there is very nice hike which start at the house. The city Kamnik with bakery and superrmarket is just 10 min drive. Proud to be the first guests from outside Slovenia since corona rules the world :-)
Sproščujoče, navdihujoče in nadvse primerno za popoln oddih ...
Naš oddih treh prijateljic je bil nepozaben. V resnici je še veliko lepše kot na slikah, saj ima hiša prav posebno čarobno energijo. Takoj smo se počutile kot doma, spale smo kot angelčki, prebudile svojo igrivost in si res dobro napolnile baterije. Lepsega prazovanja naše 50-ke si nismo mogle izbrati. Občudovale smo celotno posest, urejenost, domiselne detajle, čudovito opremo hiše. Maja in njena družina so duša te hiše,izjemno prijazni in polni topline dajo občutek, da smo več kot gostje, da smo del srčnih izbrancev, ki smo imeli priložnost doživeti ta skrbno negovan in dragocen košček raja. Iskreno hvaležne in navdušene se bomo zagotovo z veseljem vračale.
V hiši smo preživeli enega od naših najlepših dopustov. Vse je bilo kot v pravljici. Jutranje meglice nad bližnjimi gozdovi, so nas zbudile v prekrasna jutra. Sprehajali smo se po bližnjih gričih, sprehajalne poti gredo mimo hišnega praga, za hojo v gore nam je zmanjkalo časa. Žal nam je bilo, da nismo pripeljali s seboj koles, saj je okolica prepredena s potmi za cestno ali gorsko kolesarjenje
Počitniška hiša je na odlični lokaciji, ki ponuja sproščujoč in miren oddih. Tako hiša kot tudi okolica hiše sta zelo čisti in lepo ter funkcionalno urejeni. Ob prihodu vas pričaka dobrodošlica, v vseh prostorih pa tudi vse potrebščine za vsakdanjo uporabo. Lastnica Maja je izjemno topla in prijazna oseba, kar se odraža tudi v sami toplini hiške. Vsekakor priporočam vsem, ki si želijo na dopustu res oddahniti in pozabiti stresen vsakdan. Oddih v hiši Pr' Matažič je eden naših najlepših in komaj čakamo, da se znova vrnemo.
Carobno- rajsko !!! Hvala!
Izjemna lokacija, ki zagotavlja popoln mir in tišino. Pravi kraj za odklop od vsakodnevnega vrveža pa vendar streljaj stran od vsega potrebnega in odlično izhodišče za družinski izlet z obilico sprehajalnih poti.
Imeli smo se lepo, odličen dopust.
Hvala ker ste mi omogočili da smo preživeli pravljični dopust.
Čudovite počitnice.Mali košček raja na zemlji.
Vse je čudovito...lokacija, hiška, bazen... Vse zelo čisto. Lastnika zelo prijazna, umirjena človeka.